Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ch. 1


(1) Predict what you think "The Incident" is.

(2) What kind of things would you have taken with you to keep yourself busy in line?


  1. #1 Gil's dad tried to steal money from the Golly Company.

    #2 My DS, 6 books, my laptop, and iPhone.

  2. Throng is a large crowd of people ( well acording to the dictionary it is). I think "The Incident" Gil's father getting arrested. To keep myself busy in a long line, I'd bring a book, my DSi, a bag of Munchies(a brand of snack food), and a sleeping bag.

  3. I would take my iPod Touch, or portable DVD player!!! Plus a friend defintly!!!
    If you are talking about "The Incident with his father" I think it might be stealing the Golly Whopper's actual games.
    If I'm supposed to put my vocabulary here and journal here it is: a large group;crowd

  4. the incident is that gil's dad got arrested, and gil didn't know why.

    I would take a DS, books, and hmmmm. . . my whle house

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think The Incident is something that Gil did.

    I would take food, water, tent, laptop, and a phone

  7. throng: a crowd; a multitude

    1. "The Incident" is when Gil's dad got arrested.
    2. I would bring a nintendo, Narnia books, and camping gear.

  8. I think the incident is his yellow ticket because Gil got 5,915 and only the first forty-five hundred get tickets for the Golly Whopper Games.

    I would have took a sleeping bag,flash light,gum,watch,and cell phone.

  9. I thik maybe "The Incdent" is stolen money maybe. I would have brought my DSI, ipod shuffle, and my celphone.

  10. Somebody thought he is a theift because his fauhter.

  11. I think that the incident is when Gil's father got arrested. I would have brought a Nintendo, some money, and a grin on my face.

  12. I think the incident is that Gil's dad stole a lot of money because he wanted to move with his family to a new house.

  13. I think the incident is that everyone thinks Gil's father tried to steal money from the Golly Toy and Game Company.

    I would take my DS, my iphone, my laptop and a couple books in line to keep me busy. I would also have a pillow and a sleeping bag in case I get tired.
