Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ch. 14

1. incompetent

1. Have you ever called a number, where words represented numbers? What would your name represent on the telephone?
2. Gil and Lavinia worked very hard to solve the puzzle about Wonder Tiny Doll. When you have a problem, how do you work through it?

The next game you're going to create is a "Game In A Box". You will need to pick a topic we've studied this year in Social Studies. Create a card game over what you've learned about that specific topic. You will need to use your Social Studies book to help you design your game, along with books from the library or internet on your topic.

All of the pieces to your game will fit into the box or can. Your game will need a spinner, where each section should follow the guidelines below:

1. The red section will most likely be the section nobody lands on.

2. You will have a greater chance of landing on the blue section than green.

3. Most players will land at least once on the green section.

You will need to bring a kleenex box or coffee can to school in order to complete this project. The game will be created in your free time throughout the day. I will also give you time during "Finish Up Friday".

Your classmates will benefit from your game during "Game Day" after the TAKS test. Do your best!


  1. When i have a problem i ask everyone in my group what they think then i work it out.
    My name would be 2532 in Alec.

  2. #1No #2 743 723

    I just keep trying until I solve the problem.

  3. 1. My phone number has an ending of 7997 but my dad changed it to Becker. So, when somebody calls our house they have to type in Becker and that will change to 7997 while it's dialing.
    2. I work through problems by looking at tricky information and I use my strategies.

  4. I have put in a number using words for " American Idol " I look very carefully at every clue.

  5. 1 2abs3def4ghi5jkl6mno7pqr8stu9vwx0yz That's the numbers on the phone ( You put 3 for each but not 1. )

    My Name In Numbers! 803630

  6. I have never called or saw a number where the numbers are the letters. My name would be 16517 on a telephone. I solve questions by taking my time and showing my work. I do not care if the other team is ahead of me because chances are they rushed and got it wrong.

  7. No, my name would be 25543. I would read it through a few times and think thouroughly to find my answer.

  8. I just finished my game in the box.
